For as long as there have been search engines, there has been SEO (search engine optimization). SEOs are people who try to manipulate the free organic search engine results for their website by performing different techniques both on their website and off their website. The sole reason to performing search engine optimization is to achieve higher free organic rankings and to get more exposure for a particular website. A whole industry has developed around this process, and there are various SEO companies of all sizes throughout the world.
Achieving a top 10 ranking on a search engine for a popular keyword that relates to your business can mean a surge in traffic and new business on a daily basis. Because of this, gaining a top 10 placing on a search engine has become quite competitive. In Bangkok, Thailand many local businesses have now been turning towards hiring SEO companies with the hope in boosting their organic search results against their competition. What a lot of companies fail to realize is their competitors may also be hiring an SEO company to perform their search engine optimization, and then it comes down to who has the better SEO Company.
Because SEO is a new industry, that’s shrouded in bit of secrecy, you may not understand how to check what your SEO company is doing. Are they getting results for you? Are you getting a good return on your investment? Some ways to catch bad SEO companies out is by checking out whether or not they’ve made any changes at all to your website.Have they performed even the most basic onsite search engine optimization?
There are many companies and individuals in Thailand, and Bangkok in particular who claim to know how to do SEO and to get good results. But realistically these people do not have the slightest idea of what they are doing. In the past I have even come across companies who do SEO for multiple businesses in the same industry, conflict of interest much? Yes I think so. I have even done consultations with companies where their current SEO Company hadn’t performed any onsite search engine optimization.
If you are looking for a reputable search engine optimization company in Bangkok, an affordable established Bangkok based SEO Company is Marketing Bangkok. We have documented case studies of previous successes and even provide a money back guarantee.